Niveau d'étude visé
BAC +5
Master (LMD)
Domaine(s) d'étude
Génie énergétique, Qualité industrielle
Accessible en
Formation continue, Formation initiale, VAE
At the end of the 2nd semester, supervised professional project implementing the skills acquired during the M1; report and presentation in front of a jury including professionals. The 4th semester is the opportunity of an internship application in a company or in a research laboratory. It can be done in France or abroad. This experience is an opportunity for hiring or starting a PhD. This internship ends with an oral presentation in front of a jury (including professionals), supported by a written report (30 ECTS credits).
Dur ation : 5 to 6 months.
Processing innovations to innovative products requires the control of industrial processes for their entry into market within a reasonable time and price, while providing assurance on their quality and safety. Increasingly, quality and safety requirements will also focus on the manufacturing process. All these processes involve various human, technical and financial resources, all under the influence of many external constraints - regulatory, normative, legal, societal... The conduct of such a system requires an organization to control the use of resources, as well as monitoring their commitment to ensure safety and sustainability.
Savoir-faire et compétences
At the end of the degree, the student will be able to manage the quality and the risks of technological systems (products and facilities) relating to their specification, their design, their implementation, their manufacturing and their operation, and to provide insurance of the actual quality and risk control in a legal, economic and social environment. The student will be able to exchange in French language about engineering topics.
Research and development departments of large industrial groups; Production facilities (production of goods, energy, etc.); Engineering companies and consultants; local authorities, public services specialized or involved in safety insurance.
Conditions d'admission
Bachelor of Science / Engineering for access to M1 (mostly) - Master of Science / Engineering to access M2 (mainly via university partners to ensure the level of education and skills equivalent to the proposed M1). French level required A2 to apply to M2.
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Et après...
Insertion professionnelle
Research and development departments of large industrial groups; Production facilities (production of goods, energy, etc.); Engineering companies and consultants; local authorities, public services specialized or involved in safety insurance.