Gestion et Management

Master (M2) Corporate Finance - double diplôme HEC Liège

  • Diplôme

    Master (LMD)

  • Domaine(s) d'étude


  • Accessible en

    Formation initiale, Formation continue, VAE

  • Établissements

    Université Toulouse Capitole


The double degree « Corporate Finance » (DU - CF) is a degree of excellence that gives a double competence in corporate finance and banking. It aims at training financial professionals as financial analysts with specific banking sector knowledge.

Thanks to this programme, students gradually build a professional project in finance in an international context.

It gives access to the Master of Banking and Asset Management of HEC Management School - University of Liège (ULiège) in Belgium - and the corresponding degree, in addition to the Master Corporate Finance of TSM.

Students who enrol in this programme spend the first two semesters at TSM and the third and fourth semesters at HEC Liège.

Etablissements partenaires

HEC Liège, Belgique


The double degree enables students to:

  • acquire an in-depth knowledge of financial institutions, financial markets and instruments, as well as they operate and are used;
  • master concepts and issues related to investment decisions involving business valuation and financing structuring (Mergers and Acquisitions, Private Equity, Venture Capital);
  • acquire the fundamentals of corporate finance and develop expertise in financial reasoning;
  • understand the scope of financial operations through mastering innovative approaches and their calculation and optimisation;
  • demonstrate a critical perspective on the skills acquired in the programme through personal reflection on the finance function and through individual and group experiences.

Savoir-faire et compétences

The double degree enables students to:

  • acquire an in-depth knowledge of financial institutions, financial markets and instruments, as well as they operate and are used;
  • master concepts and issues related to investment decisions involving business valuation and financing structuring (Mergers and Acquisitions, Private Equity, Venture Capital);
  • acquire the fundamentals of corporate finance and develop expertise in financial reasoning;
  • understand the scope of financial operations through mastering innovative approaches and their calculation and optimisation;
  • demonstrate a critical perspective on the skills acquired in the programme through personal reflection on the finance function and through individual and group experiences.


Conditions d'admission


Find all the information you need about registration at Toulouse School of Management on the school's website.



  • Business Ethics and CSR
  • Master Thesis Methodology
  • Seminar on Sustainability and Smart Territories
  • Foreign Language
  • Fund Industry
  • Advanced Corporate Finance and Modeling
  • Financial Risk Management
  • International Finance

One course « Finance » to choose among:

  • Ethics, Regulation and Compliance in Finance
  • Comptabilité approfondie et fiscalité
  • Diagnostics approfondis de l’entreprise
  • Empirical Methods in Financial Markets
  • Financial Data Modeling and Analysis
  • Financial Risk Modeling

One course « Management » to choose among:

  • Strategic Marketing Seminar
  • International Management Seminar


  • Thesis
  • Internship

Et après...

Insertion professionnelle

Fields of expertise:

  • Financial analyst
  • Financial controller
  • Corporate business manager in a banking institution
  • Merger-acquisitions specialist
  • Investments manager
  • Research manager
  • Consultant
  • Asset manager


Renseignements ( @ )

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    • 05 67 73 27 58
    • Fany.Declerck @