• Niveau d'étude visé

    BAC +4

  • Diplôme

    Master (LMD)

  • Domaine(s) d'étude


  • Accessible en

    Formation initiale, VAE

  • Établissements

    Université Toulouse Capitole



Sélectionnez un programme

Master (M1) mention Finance parcours-type Finance

The curriculum offers a rigorous training programme, covering the foundations of finance during the first year and offering students the option to specialise in one of three fields during the second year (Corporate Finance, Financial Markets and Risk Evaluation, Finance and Information Technology). It also offers the opportunity to get a double degree with our partner HEC Liège (Master 2 Corporate Finance - double degree HEC Liège, Master 2 Financial Market and Risk Evaluation - double degree HEC Liège).

This first year of the Master in Finance allows students to build a strong conceptual framework in order to analyse financial issues. The second year of the programme builds on this by developing practical applications.

At the end of the first year, students will undertake a compulsory internship in a company during 2 to 5 months.
At the end of the second year, a 6-month internship is mandatory.

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Master (M2) mention Finance parcours-type Corporate Finance

The Master M2 parcours-type Corporate Finance aims at providing students with the skills required to analyse and manage corporate finances.

The main areas of study include managing investments and risk, planning and managing financial strategies, managing interest and exchange rate exposures, and corporate accounting and audit.

On completion of these studies in corporate finance, students will have acquired a breadth of financial expertise including a good grasp of how markets operate, as well as a more specific understanding of banking, accounting, strategy, and IT.

Etablissements partenaires

This Master is a programme in partnership with Toulouse School of Management (TSM) and Toulouse School of Economics (TSE).

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Master (M2) mention Finance parcours-type Financial markets and Risk Evaluation (FiRE)

The Master “Financial Markets and Risk Evaluation” (FiRE) offers theoretical and practical insights on financial markets.

Theoretical insights are all the more needed after the great financial crisis of 2008 that has shown that blind applications of valuation and risk management models could prove unproductive. These theoretical insights are acquired by students with the instruction offered by world-class academics who have contributed to build them. Practical insights are also offered to ensure that students are accustomed to the functioning and vocabulary of financial markets, the strategies of investors and the pricing of financial assets, with a particular emphasis on risk measurement and evaluation.

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Master (M2) mention Finance parcours-type Finance and Information Technology (FIT)

The Master in Finance and Information Technology (FIT) provides students with skills in both finance and financial IT.

Financial technology, also known as “fintech”, aims at proposing solutions to all actors involved in financial decisions, such as financial institutions, firms and single individuals using specialized IT tools.

The Master provides a rigorous preparation in all fields of Finance, namely corporate finance and market finance, together with a solid knowledge in IT support tools, such as business intelligence and blockchain. Through practical cases and projects, students develop complementary practical skills like problem solving, communication and business etiquette.

Etablissements partenaires

This Master is a programme in partnership with Toulouse School of Management (TSM) and Toulouse School of Economics (TSE).

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Master (M2) mention Finance parcours-type Master of Science in Finance (Research Track)

The Master 2 of Science in Finance aims at training a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative researchers, able to face current and future challenges.

To do so it creatively combines the best of practice, theory, qualitative & quantitative tools and reality-based education. You will attend academic conferences, make presentations, organise seminars, and contribute to management and academic decisions. It also offers high quality teaching and a truly multicultural work environment with students coming from all over the world.

Our MSc offers the excellence training needed for international and French university graduates interested in pursuing a career in research:

  • Rigorous selection process
  • Close supervision by internationally recognized high-level research professors who publish in the best journals
  • Full immersion in the lab research activities
  • Exchanges with the world’s best universities
  • Research presentations in the leading international conferences

We deliberately keep the MSc small to allow you to work closely with your supervisor, develop interaction with other faculty who will be happy to act as sounding boards, and gain teaching experience.

We are looking for talented applicants who are enthusiastic about research, genuinely intellectually curious, like reading and debating, want to be able to answer new questions and love travelling and meeting new people. If this sounds like you, we encourage you to take a closer look at our TSM Doctoral Programme, and we look forward to receiving your application.

The Master of Science is the first year of the TSM Doctoral Programme which is one of only 4 doctoral programmes entirely dedicated to management in France.

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Master (M2) Financial Markets and Risk Evaluation - double diplôme HEC Liège

The double degree « Financial markets and Risk Evaluation » (DU - FiRE) is a degree of excellence that gives a double competence in market finance and banking. It aims at training financial professionals as financial analysts, fund and asset managers, consultants and financial market professionals.

It gives access to the Master of Banking and Asset Management of HEC Management School - University of Liège (ULiège) in Belgium - and the corresponding degree, in addition to the Master Financial Markets and Risk Evaluation of TSM.

Students who enrol in this programme spend the first two semesters at TSM and the third and fourth semesters at HEC Liège.

Etablissements partenaires

HEC Liège, Belgique

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Master (M2) Corporate Finance - double diplôme HEC Liège

The double degree « Corporate Finance » (DU - CF) is a degree of excellence that gives a double competence in corporate finance and banking. It aims at training financial professionals as financial analysts with specific banking sector knowledge.

Thanks to this programme, students gradually build a professional project in finance in an international context.

It gives access to the Master of Banking and Asset Management of HEC Management School - University of Liège (ULiège) in Belgium - and the corresponding degree, in addition to the Master Corporate Finance of TSM.

Students who enrol in this programme spend the first two semesters at TSM and the third and fourth semesters at HEC Liège.

Etablissements partenaires

HEC Liège, Belgique

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