• Niveau d'étude visé

    BAC +4

  • Diplôme

    Master (LMD)

  • Domaine(s) d'étude

    Management international

  • Accessible en

    Formation initiale, VAE

  • Établissements

    Université Toulouse Capitole



Sélectionnez un programme

Master (M2) International management - double diplôme in Asian Context - IMAC

The Master 2 International Management - double degree in Asian Context - IMAC is a full-time double degree over two years, entirely taught in English and designed for International and French university graduates. After validation, students obtain a double degree from TSM and the College of Management of Mahidol University (CMMU) in Bangkok, Thailand.

The Master offers high quality teaching from professors in two internationally renowned institutions, a truly multicultural work environment with students coming from all over the world, and close relationships with the business world.

Etablissements partenaires

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Master (M2) mention Management et commerce international parcours-type International Management

The Master 2 in International Management is a full-time degree, training junior managers ready to deal with cross-cultural management situations and strategic decision-making in an international context. The Master 2 parcours-type International Management brings together a highly international student group.

The second year builds on the foundations acquired during the first year and puts the emphasis on the development of professional skills and competencies by training students to apply their knowledge to concrete international business situations. The complementarity between academic and practical insights is central during the second year.


This is an EFMD Accredited Programme

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