Sciences Economiques

Master (2ème année) mention Economie Appliquée - International Environmental Economics and Policy (EEP)

Economie appliquée
  • Diplôme

    Master (LMD)

  • Domaine(s) d'étude

    Economie, Environnement

  • Accessible en

    Formation initiale, Formation continue, VAE

  • Établissements

    Université Toulouse Capitole



Environmental issues such as pollution, climate change and the conservation of biodiversity are currently in the headlines of economic debate. Governments design public policies such as taxes or emission trading schemes to mitigate the negative impacts of air or water pollution. Firms launch green business strategies such as investments in cleaner technologies, product labelling or socially responsible investments to improve their competiveness. This Master 2 is providing with the analytical skills to assess, analyse and recommend economic policies and strategies to tackle environmental issues and manage natural resources. Students will target jobs in natural resources management and sustainable development (large businesses, public institutions and local communities) or within international institutions or will pursue an academic career. This programme is mainly led by researchers, experts in environmental and natural resource economics within TSE.


Conditions d'admission

For more details about requirement documents and application process, please see the Admission section.

Contact Admissions :
Téléphone : +33 (0)5 67 73 27 87
E-mail : ( @ )
Site :

Et après...

Insertion professionnelle

Students will target jobs in natural resources management and sustainable development (large businesses, public institutions and local communities) or within international institutions or will pursue an academic career. This programme is mainly led by researchers, experts in environmental and natural resource economics within TSE.

En savoir plus :
L'OFIP (Observatoire des Formations et de l'Insertion Professionnelle) étudie la situation des anciens étudiants 30 mois après la diplomation, poursuite d'études, processus d'entrée sur le marché du travail, caractéristiques des emplois (secteurs, statuts, fonctions, professions, revenus, mobilité géographique....).
Retrouvez toutes les études de l'OFIP sur les parcours d'études et l'insertion professionnelle des étudiants ICI.



Renseignements sur les formations et l'orientation :

Contact scolarité

Toulouse School of Economics
1 Esplanade de l'Université
31080 Toulouse Cedex 6 France
Téléphone : +33 (0)5 61 12 85 04
E-mail :

Lire plus

    • 05 61 12 86 09
    • Philippe.Bontems @