Niveau d'étude visé
BAC +5
Master (LMD)
Domaine(s) d'étude
Ingénierie des systèmes, Economie, Economie internationale, Gestion d’entreprises - Management, Marketing
Accessible en
Formation initiale, VAE
ENAC - Ecole nationale de l'aviation civile
Presentation :
The Master of Science in IATOM is a two year-degree accredited by the French Ministry of Education for those students who hold a Bachelor degree in a relevant subject. Located in Toulouse, a major centre for science and technology and the European aviation capital, ENAC is a gateway to air transport worldwide, recognised by ICAO and major civil aviation organisations as one of the world’s leading air transport educational institutions.
The MSc in IATOM has been designed to emphasise the application of up-to-date engineering and management concepts or methods of the aeronautical and aviation industry.
The full-time two-year Master in IATOM aims at providing the technical and management expertise necessary to a future manager in an international company. It provides graduates with in-depth knowledge in aeronautical engineering, aeronautical project management and technology management, to be able to meet the aeronautical industry demands in terms of the innovative engineers they need to strengthen and develop their business.
The Master in IATOM offers a comprehensive teaching programme with a strong scientific background, aeronautical and aviation engineering, legal, social environment, the economy and project management enabling graduates to get junior management positions in the aeronautical industry, airlines, airports or civil aviation authorities: flight operations engineer, aircraft performance engineer, maintenance manager, airlines operations planning, marketing manager, etc.
Project management currently forms the backbone of the Master IATOM concerns.
Sélectionnez un programme
Année 1
AE413E - Aircraft certification
330hAE416E - Structural design
2OP401E - Flight operations
247hMN402E - Introduction to aircraft maintenance
115hEA402E - Airport design
248hEA403E - Airport management
226hEA405E - Pollution, noise and environment
232hDJ401E - Air transport law
222hEC402E - Airline costs and financial management
332hEC403E - Air transport marketing
340hLV402 - French culture and language
221hMT402E - Aeronautical meteorology
221hEA404E - Airport security
2TX490E - Aerodynamic project
318hOP402E - Flight Ops & Airport project
3AE413E - Aircraft certification
330hAE415E - Production principles
117hRG6008E - Certification of propulsion systems
224hCS408E - Introduction to safety
1RG403E - Operators certification
226hOP401E - Flight operations
247hOP403E - Flight Ops project
3MN401E - Manufacturers role
336hMN402E - Introduction to aircraft maintenance
115hCS403E - SMS (Manufacturers, Operators, MRO)
325hCS409E - Project management
1EC417E - Air transport economics
115hLV408 - French culture and language
441hTX490E - Aerodynamic project
318hMT402E - Aeronautical meteorology
AE413E - Aircraft certification
330hAE416E - Structural design
2OP401E - Flight operations
247hMN402E - Introduction to aircraft maintenance
115hEA402E - Airport design
248hEA403E - Airport management
226hEA405E - Pollution, noise and environment
232hDJ401E - Air transport law
222hEC402E - Airline costs and financial management
332hEC403E - Air transport marketing
340hLV402 - French culture and language
221hMT402E - Aeronautical meteorology
221hEA404E - Airport security
2TX490E - Aerodynamic project
318hOP402E - Flight Ops & Airport project
AE413E - Aircraft certification
330hAE415E - Production principles
117hRG6008E - Certification of propulsion systems
224hCS408E - Introduction to safety
1RG403E - Operators certification
226hOP401E - Flight operations
247hOP403E - Flight Ops project
3MN401E - Manufacturers role
336hMN402E - Introduction to aircraft maintenance
115hCS403E - SMS (Manufacturers, Operators, MRO)
325hCS409E - Project management
1EC417E - Air transport economics
115hLV408 - French culture and language
441hTX490E - Aerodynamic project
318hMT402E - Aeronautical meteorology
EC401E - Fundamental economics
332hCS401E - Project management
332hLV401 - Culture and language French
228hAE402E - Fluid mechanics, aerodynamics
442hAE401E - Flight Mechanics
330hAE403E - Aircraft structure
322hAE407E - Propulsion
331hAE410E - Which aircraft for which mission ?
319hAU405E - Operations Research
342hMA410E - Statistics
330hMT401E - General Meteorology
Année 2
LV501 - Culture and Language - French
260hSH503E - Human Resources Management
222hEC5012E - Customer Relationships
1EC502E - Airlines' Marketing
222hOP502E - Flight operations optimization
247hAV501E - Avionics systems
348hAT501E - Air Trafic Organisation and management
229hIP520E - IT tools : programming language and databases
420hSH504E - Operations Research applied to Air Transportation
330hOP501E - Airline Project
3EC5020E - Aeronautical companies strategy
3EC5021E - Air transport economics (regulation and networks)
1EC5022E - Pricing and revenue management
129hEC5023E - Strategic game
1RG501 - Airworthiness project
240hMN510E - Aircraft technical management
226hAE502E - Maintenance Services & Business
242hEA406E - Helicopters